How old do I have to be to participate at GoodLife?


Are donations tax deductible?

Yes. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit and donations made to GoodLife Programs & Activities or the Centennial Senior Center are tax deductible.

Do I have to live in Concord to participate at GoodLife?

No, as long as you are a resident of New Hampshire.

What does it cost to join GoodLife? Do I have to pay annual membership fees?

It doesn’t cost anything. We do not have annual membership fees at GoodLife. It’s a “pay as you go” system. We offer a wide array of programs and activities some of which have a cost and some are free.

How are you funded?

We have an endowment that is invested and collects dividends and interest which we use to fund some of our programming along with fundraising, grants and program/activity fees.

How do I join?

You can fill out our Participant Form online or you can come in to our center. We encourage you to come for a visit so we can give you a tour and answer any questions you may have. We also give participants a “key tag” when they register so they can sign in at the front desk computer for classes and events.

Where are you located?

Our Physical Address is 254 North State Street, Unit L, Concord, NH, in the back of the Smokestack Center. See the Contact page for directions and more information.

What are your hours?

We are open Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 4 pm.  Unless we have an evening class scheduled.

Do you have parking?

Yes! We have our own parking lot with plenty of parking.

I have a friend/family member visiting, can they come to the center with me?

Absolutely! We encourage you to bring your friends or family so they can see where you spend some of your time.

How do I register for events/activities?

You can register for most of our classes and activities online via this website.  Or call us at 603-228-6630, email us, or come in and sign up at the front desk.

Acceptable forms of payment are credit/debit card, cash or checks made payable to GoodLife Programs & Activities.

Trip registration and payment can be made in person or by mail. Please refer to that trip’s flyer registration form for specific payee and reservation information. We will need the completed trip registration form and payment by the reservation date to secure your place.

Does your center have a bus/transportation available to people who want to attend?

No. We encourage people to carpool together or use the Concord buses. There is a bus stop located just before the State Prison that participants can use if they are able. It is a brief walk of about 10 minutes to the GoodLife center from the stop.

Do you do a newsletter?

Yes. We actually do two. We have an “e-blast” which goes out electronically once a week. You can sign up for this on our home page by clicking the newsletter box and entering your email address. We also do a quarterly newsletter (Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall) in print that can be picked up in the lobby of our Smokestack Center location.

I like to travel and am looking for day trips and overnight trips. Does GoodLife offer trips?

Yes. Click on Trips to see current offerings. We use several trip vendors to offer a wide array of day trips and overnights.

I’m looking for volunteer opportunities, does GoodLife use volunteers?

Yes, we work with a small group of volunteers throughout the year. We use volunteers for an array of different things from mailings to help setting up socials etc. All volunteers are required to complete a Criminal Background Check as well as a BEAS check before they can volunteer with us. Please give us a call if you have any interest in volunteering, or to find out more about our current needs.

How many staff does GoodLife have?

There are currently three full time staff. An Executive Director, Program Manager and Community Outreach Coordinator.

I’m looking for exercise classes, what do you have and how do I know what level of activity would be good for me?

Exercise is important at any age and ability. You can find a description for each of our classes in the Classes section of the site.

Or give us a call at 603-228-6630 and we can suggest a class for you!

I entered my email address on the registration form, doesn’t that automatically sign me up to receive the weekly e-blasts?

Yes it does!  If for any reason you aren't receiving the weekly eblast you can sign-up here.

I am in New Hampshire for 6 months and in Florida the other 6 months, can I participate at GoodLife?

Yes, as long as you live in New Hampshire part of the year.

Is your center ADA accessible?

Yes! Our parking area and center are on the same level and there are no stairs, we also have ADA bathrooms. We also have a dedicated parking space for those with disabilities.

Does GoodLife have exercise machines?

GoodLife has some weights used in conjunction with specific classes. There are no exercise machines or other types of exercise equipment.

Does GoodLife have computers that I can use?

No. However, we are hoping to have regularly scheduled classes for which you can bring in your portable computer and learn everything from the basics to more advanced computer skills. We have free Wifi internet for your convenience.

Do you serve lunches?

No, we are not a congregate meal site and do not do daily lunches.

The Centennial Senior Center (GoodLife Programs and Activities) is a fun place to be. There are various affordable programs offered including exercise classes, Senior Wellness, gardening hints, computer classes, art and painting classes, and guest speakers on many informative subjects. If you enjoy traveling but have no one to go with, many fun bus trips are offered, and reasonable. There is something for everyone, so stop by when you can. You will be happy while you are there.

— Theresa, Concord NH