Upcoming Activities
The following list contains classes and events that we are developing for Spring and beyond. If you would like more information about these programs please contact us via email or call Emily @ 603-228-6630.
ZENgevity is a safe and gentle movement program designed for ages 50+ to stay active, stay independent and enjoy life to the fullest. This is a 6 week class. The minimum size for the class to run is 10, the maximum is 15. Cost is $30, which must be paid at time of registration.
Walking for Fitness
Do you enjoy walking or want to get into a regular habit of walking? It’s always more fun to do with a group so come join us every Tuesday for this group. Trieste will be there to offer suggestions and provide some facts on the benefits of walking. The group will walk outside as weather permits and, if interested, participants will be able to walk indoors in the winter. The program is still developing so stay tuned!
Book Club
The group will meet monthly, local authors and book stores will be featured, along with national and local library reading, art, humanities and literacy initiatives. Presently we are surveying individual interest levels and selections of material. If you would like to become a GoodLife Book Club member, please email us with the best way to reach you, and we will contact you with further details!